ERP is a comprehensive management tool. With the ability to automate, analyze data and provide timely information, ERP brings high efficiency to businesses by optimizing processes, minimizing errors, and creating a consistent database. for strategic decisions.

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5 Signs that You're Ready to Use an ERP System

#1: You have different softwares for different processes
Take a few minutes to think about how employees at your company record, track, and process information:

Accountants use a separate system, Sales use a different system to input customer orders, your Inventory use a different solution to track inbound and outbound shipments while production can also use a separate solution for management.

#2: You don't have easy access to information about your business
If someone asked you what your average sales margin was, how long would it take you to find out? What about other key performance metrics, like orders per day or sales to date?

For companies that rely on manual spreadsheets that need to be constantly updated and adjusted, long waits can be expected.
#3: Sales and customer experience are struggling
As companies grow, one of their biggest challenges is often inventory management. Ensuring that the right amount of product is in the right place at the right time is an important part of the business. 

When sales, inventory, and customer data are maintained separately, it can create serious problems throughout your company.
#4: Accounting takes longer and is more difficult
Often, the first noticeable signs that your company needs ERP software will come from the accounting department. If your employees rely on paper-based invoices and orders – and spend hours each week manually entering them into various sales and accounting systems – you need to consider the amount of time that is being wasted. wasted on tasks that ERP software can handle immediately.

#5: Your IT system is complicated and time consuming
One of the biggest downsides of having multiple systems in an enterprise is that IT management can become a nightmare. Customizing these systems, integrating them, and maintaining them with patches and upgrades can be complex, expensive, and consuming significant time and resources.

What are the trends for the coming years?


Invest in Smart Factory

91% of Industrial companies invest in the development of Smart Factories.


Order online

Within the next 3 years, 48% of B2B customers will order 50% of their Orders online.


Inventory management

67% of Operators plan to use mobile devices for inventory management such as: Barcode Scanners, Tablets, Automated Warehouses and IoT.


Smart manufacturing investment

76% of manufacturing executives plan to increase investment in digital technology to access real-time smart manufacturing systems.

How does SmartBiz ERP work?

Ecosystem of ERP software

Great eco system, all you need in one software 

 Applications that drive Sales: CRM, Sales, POS  

 Manufacturing Applications : Purchasing, W, Production management, Quality management, Maintenance management

 Services supporting applications : Project Management, Customer Service, Working time calculation, Human Resources...

Marketing applications : Email Marketing, Website, Event, E-commerce and more...

  IIoT applications : Integrating with control, monitoring, data collection equipment systems in all production areas, factories and more...

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Process automation

The perfectly integrated modular applications allow you to automate business processes, save costs and bring many benefits.

Real-time data

 Track everything you're doing, online and accessible from anywhere with any smart device.

Smart platform

Operating a business on a  technology platform of the 4th Odoo company in the world with over 7 million users, over 50,000 businesses using and over 700 different applications. The developed platform is ready to integrate with systems: BigData, BI, AI, IIoT, API...

Improve the performance

Reduce management burden, generate better sales and customer service

Flexible customization

Odoo's open source development model allows us and the community developers the flexibility to customize and grow according to the requirements of the Enterprise.

Unleash your potential

Bringing you the best user experience. Unleash the growth potential of your business.

What are the highlights of SmartBiz ERP?

Scalability and Flexible Customization
software for all needs, the modular architecture allows flexible customization of existing applications while easily developing new business applications as the business grows and matures.

99% successful and effective implementation
Solve current problems and build a foundation to seize future opportunities. Total solution, can optionally deploy in phases with competitive cost.
Easy integration
No more worries about integration, easily develop and manage connections with external systems of the enterprise such as BigData, BI, AI, IIoT systems, API connections...
Short term
SmartBiz solves current challenges. Save time and wasted costs, improve productivity, optimize business processes, Report quickly and intuitively.

Long term
Centralize and consistent all data flows, build industry foundation and depth, easily optimize operations, seize future opportunities that give businesses a competitive edge.

What features does SmartBiz ERP software have?


Supply Chain Management

The system provides insight into supply chain management efficiency by tracking demand, inventory, production processes, logistics and distribution. 
Fully automated and integrated supply chain enhances operations by recommending orders, work orders, and moving orders across multiple locations.


More efficient in manufacturing processes such as planning, sourcing materials, monitoring and forecasting production.
This improves machine downtime and improves production quality .

Sale and Marketing

Dễ dàng hơn trong việc bán, bán thêm, tạo báo giá và đơn đặt hàng, dự báo, quản lý hoa hồng và theo dõi các chi tiết chính như tỷ suất và lợi nhuận. 

Customer relationship management(CRM)

All customer information, automating processes like filling POs, creating reminders and sending notifications to managers to follow up with leads…

Accounting and Finance

Provides the ability to track, store and analyze accounting data this reduces the time to reconcile and close monthly financial statements. Support finance teams by tracking, analyzing and reporting business data critical to planning, organizing, and determining the best use of funds for the business.

Human Resources (HR)

The ERP system acts as an end-to-end employee management platform, handling payroll, recruitment, compensation and timekeeping management .


Graph, graph, list, and dashboard reports aid in informed decision making, improve business processes, or identify problem areas or forecast related trends.

Data analysis

The power of data analytics allows you to collect a variety of information and turn it into useful insights into new business opportunities and ways to optimize operations, reduce costs, uncover cheat and serve customers better.

Professional SmartBiz ERP service


Solution Consulting and ideas for the goals and needs of the Enterprise.


Deploying hardware and software infrastructure for businesses


Customize and develop Business Management software according to the requirements


Software Operation and Maintenance support includes:

Basic support: during office hours

Advanced support: basic support and extended consultation, time and place of support.


We build great products to solve your business problems


Introducing ERP Software

Minimize human error; Up to 80% reduction in decision-making time; Up to 36% faster delivery time; Reduce from 10%~20% of costs and Increase from 15%~20% of overall business performance.

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Intelligent Report​

Instead of having to spend a lot of time processing data and designing reports, intelligent reports can automatically update data from different sources in the enterprise, minimizing time and effort, optimizing streamline the management process and make more accurate decisions for businesses.

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