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Comprehensive technology solution, connecting stages from customers to warehouses, optimizing production processes, simplifying work for operators, bringing high efficiency and customer satisfaction.
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8 The Biggest Challenges
Inventory and Raw Materials Management
Erroneous forecasts and poor inventory management lead to shortages or surpluses of raw materials.
Product quality is uneven
Ensuring uniform quality on each product is a big challenge, especially when producing on a large scale.
Low production efficiency
Manufacturing performance is affected by many factors such as outdated machinery, inefficient processes and worker skills.
Labor and labor costs
Rising labor costs, coupled with a shortage of skilled workers, are hurting profits.
Time and delivery pressure
Short and flexible delivery times need to be met, while maintaining quality and low costs.
Resistance to change and adoption of new technology
Resistance from employees and management to changing processes and adopting new technology.
Data Security and Cyber Security
Securing production data and customer information is becoming increasingly complex and important.
Comply with environmental regulations and standards
Meet strict environmental and labor regulations, while maintaining profitability.
Smart Manufacturing Management
Using technology and data to automate and improve performance in the production process, from collecting information to decision -making, in order to achieve the best efficiency and quality.
Increase productivity
The average increase rate is from 15% ~ 25% of overall production productivity.
Cut the cost
Reduce raw material and resource costs by 10%~20%
Process optimization
The number of production process steps that have been automated has increased from 30%~50%
Increase quality
Reduce product error rate from 15%~25%
Reduce warehouse errors
Inventory errors reduced by 25%~40%
Manufacturing Execution System of the Garment Industry
The system uses AI and IoT to monitor and optimize production processes, manage smart inventory, improve product quality and provide detailed reports, helping to improve production performance and efficiency. .
Manage Orders from Online to Offline
Automated Production Management
Smart Inventory Management
Total Quality Management
Effective Human Resource Management
Visual data analysis and reporting

Manage Orders from Online to Offiline
Tối ưu hóa quy trình bán hàng, nâng cao trải nghiệm khách hàng và tăng cường khả năng tiếp cận thị trường.
Quản lý Đơn Bán hàng
Kết nối và đồng bộ hoá dữ liệu đơn hàng từ các kênh Bán hàng online và offline (cửa hàng, đại lý), tạo ra một hệ thống quản lý đơn hàng thống nhất.
Monitor and manage inventory across all Sales channels, ensuring timely supply and avoiding shortages or surpluses .
Hệ thống giám sát và báo cáo tiến độ thực hiện của từng đơn hàng. Các thông tin này được cập nhật thường xuyên để đảm bảo đơn hàng được thực hiện đúng tiến độ.
Quản lý Đơn Mua hàng
Automatically create and manage Purchase orders from need to completion, minimizing errors due to manual operations .
Monitor and evaluate suppliers' performance to ensure quality and on-time delivery.
Automated Manufacturing Management
Tăng hiệu suất, loại bỏ sai sót và giảm sự phụ thuộc vào lao động
Lập kế hoạch sản xuất dựa trên nhu cầu thị trường, đơn đặt hàng và khả năng sản xuất.
Using IoT technology and automation to monitor and control production activities such as cutting, sewing, and finishing products.
Sử dụng mã vạch, QR Code, RFID để định danh và theo dõi sản phẩm trong quá trình sản xuất. Quản lý các Nguyên liệu, phụ liệu xuất tiêu thụ và Bán thành phẩm, Thành phẩm sản xuất theo từng công đoạn sản xuất.
Theo dõi và quản lý các lô sản xuất để đảm bảo truy xuất nguồn gốc và chất lượng sản phẩm.
Tự động tính toán chi phí sản xuất dựa trên công thức và giá nguyên liệu hiện tại, giúp doanh nghiệp kiểm soát chi phí và tối ưu hóa lợi nhuận.
Dễ dàng Kết nối và tích hợp đồng bộ từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau: máy móc, cảm biến, phần mềm ERP và các hệ thống khác để có cái nhìn toàn diện về quy trình sản xuất.

Smart Warehouse Management
Tối ưu hóa mức tồn kho, giảm chi phí lưu trữ và tăng hiệu quả sản xuất.
Sử dụng công nghệ Mã vạch, QR Code, RFID để định danh và theo dõi sản phẩm từ nguyên liệu đến thành phẩm giúp cập nhật dữ liệu tồn kho tự động trong thời gian thực, đảm bảo ghi nhận chính xác và nhanh chóng, truy xuất nguồn gốc dễ dàng.
Theo dõi quá trình dịch chuyển Nguyên phụ liệu từ khi nhập kho, xuất sản xuất và nguyên liệu còn lại sau sản xuất dễ dàng và nhanh chóng.
Smart warehouse layout visually displays product storage location, inventory status and list of orders and orders that need to be processed to help increase picking and order processing efficiency.
Optimize safety inventory levels and minimize unnecessary inventory costs.
Total Quality Management
Nâng cao chất lượng sản phẩm, tối ưu hóa hiệu quả sản xuất, giảm chi phí, và tăng cường sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
Use IoT technology and sensor systems for real-time monitoring of important parameters of products and production processes.
Automate quality inspection processes to reduce human errors and ensure product consistency.
Designed to meet international quality standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, to ensure company sustainability and development.

Monitor and compile employee performance statistics
Effective Human Resource Management
Tối ưu hóa quy trình sản xuất, nâng cao hiệu suất lao động và giảm chi phí sản xuất.
Định danh và Phân công công việc cho từng nhân viên dựa trên thông tin từ RFID.
Theo dõi hoạt động của nhân viên trong từng công đoạn sản xuất.
Monitor and evaluate employee performance through data from RFID cards, thereby providing improvement and development measures.
Clear and complete reporting system
Provides intuitive Dashboards and Reports that display production metrics and performance, inventory, product quality and more to help make quick decisions.

Production analysis report

Intuitive production dashboard

Dynamic, multi-dimensional and real-time reporting
We build great products to solve your business problems
Smart Warehouse Management Software
Optimize your Warehouse performance. Monitor and control warehouse operations accurately. Modern online warehouse on a single management software.
Monitor and Control Warehouse activities
Unified interface, providing real-time visual display, simple and efficient operations for the operator.
Inventory tracking
One of the main responsibilities of a warehouse management system is to keep track of the amount of inventory in the warehouse. It gives warehouse managers visibility into stock availability and stock replenishment requirements.
The usual challenges of over or under inventory can be effectively eliminated with a robust inventory management system.
Layout Design
Warehouse management software allows you to organize your inventory in the warehouse in an organized manner. Support to optimize warehouse space, ensure inventory is evenly distributed for efficient warehouse management.
Accessibility, demand, and weight are variables that influence the evolution of warehouse, rack, and shelf design. This ensures the smooth running of the functions in the warehouse.
Receive and store
Smart warehouse management system uses RFID technology and IoT integration so that items can automatically receive, confirm the quantity to be received and compare the quantity with the orders by scanning the barcode and Print labels for easy storage and retrieval.
Automate the exact location of each item to be stored, alert the status of goods on the shelves, empty shelves, or overload... on the intuitive Dashboard interface.
Pick up, pack and fulfill orders
Software can help reduce the costs of picking, packaging, and fulfilling orders more efficiently. Ensure the right product is selected based on business rules such as: first in first out (FIFO), last in first out (LIFO).
Simplify and simplify operations for operators with Dashboard displaying Warehouse layout, Orders to be taken, Automatically locate goods...and use location scanning barcodes , the product makes it easy for the operator to find the product and update the data in real time, accurately skipping the manual input step.
Labor Management
Provides visibility into warehouse staff efficiency and performance such as response times, productivity, delivery delays, etc.
Smart warehouse management software that can be integrated with transportation management software allows creating many ways to speed up the order fulfillment process such as: creating bills of lading, packing lists, sending automatic shipment notifications motion.
Can companies track in real time whether packages arrive on time and to the right destination? shipping unit, status and shipping cost.
Management of Processes and Operations
Process automation, modern online warehouse management. Flexible, automatic reporting in real time
Basic operation
Get the most efficient storage method and improve all your internal operations.
Replenish goods
Ít hàng dự trữ hơn, không xảy ra hiện tượng hết hàng trong kho với sự bổ sung hoàn toàn tự động.
Advanced Routing
Use automation with advanced routing to manage any warehouse with a simple design. Move stock between points.
Seek an origin
Theo dõi sự luân chuyển hàng tồn kho với hệ thống kiểm kê hai lần. Theo dõi số series hoặc số lô từ bất cứ nơi nào trong chuỗi cung ứng của bạn.
Improve productivity
Fast communication, effective coordination.
Valuation of inventory
Easily choose the inventory valuation method that's right for you.
Product Management
Dễ dàng tìm kiếm, lựa chọn sản phẩm, nhóm sản phẩm dịch vụ và tình trạng của sản phẩm.
50,000+ Businesses are using the system to grow their business.
Join us and put your company in a better position.
Hoạt động cơ bản
Warehouse software gets the most efficient way of storing inventory and improves all your internal operations.

The packing
Pack products with a single click and easily barcode packages for order tracking.
Điều chuyển kho
Use the simple moving interface to move goods from one location to another.
Multiple Locations
Use hierarchical locations to structure your warehouse: zones, rows, shelves, etc.
Delivery receipts
Control incoming products and compare with those ordered from suppliers.
Scrap products
Get rid of broken products in just a few clicks and get a clear report on scraps: their cost, reason and volume.
Inventory adjustment
Do an inventory for a zone, a specific product, a lot or a pallet/box; Odoo prepares cycle counts for you.
Production and repair
Use additional apps to manage production orders, repair orders, and more.
Advanced Routing
Use cutting-edge automation and advanced routes to manage any warehouse.
Drop-shipping (Selling without shipping)
Ship to customers directly from your supplier based on product, order, or customer.
Put away & Removal strategies
Define your own storage and removal strategies; fifo, nearest available zone, lifo, etc.
Push and pull route
Design your own product routes to automate the transfer of orders between warehouses and locations.
Cross docking
Unload incoming material and directly transfer to outbound gates with little to no storage in between.

Nhiều kho
Manage all your warehouses with the same system and define replenishment rules between warehouses..
Nhận - Đóng gói - Vận chuyển
Design your own order process flow. Deliver to customers in one step (delivery order) or several steps: picking, packing, shipping.

Supplier Quality Alert
Powerful search
Search documents to process easily. Just scan a barcode or filter based on any criteria: customer, product, etc.
Improve Productivity
Warehouse management software updates information quickly and coordinates effectively.
Smart Scheduler
Odoo's scheduler will trigger all operations automatically for you based on product availabilities and forecasts of orders.
Customer Portal
Your customer can track their order status into the customer portal: orders, invoices, delivery order status, etc.
Custom Alerts
Define alerts on products or suppliers that should appear for a salesperson when they make quotations.
Replenish goods
Warehouse management software delivers the following benefits: less stock, no out of stock with fully automated replenishment.
Minimum Stock
Have proposition of purchase orders (or request for quotations) created by Odoo based on your future stock forecast.
Request for Quotations
Want to negotiate a price with suppliers every time you buy a specific product? Odoo can trigger request for quotations automatically based on future needs.

Efficient logistics management

Quick traceability
Warehouse management software tracks inventory turnover with a double inventory system. Track serial or batch numbers from anywhere in your supply chain.
Activity Log
Have the history of all operations attached to every document (picking, delivery order, quality control) for full traceability.
Serial Numbers Tracking
Tracks manufacturer lots with barcode or serial numbers. Define and choose which transactions require tracking (delivery orders, receptions, internal moves, etc.)
The software makes it easy to search, select products, product groups of services and product status.
Product Types
Odoo supports several product types that have different behaviour: physical products, consumables, services, digital products.
Expiration Dates
Track expiration dates on products.
Custom fields
Add as many custom fields as you want on products to handle your business needs.
Multiple unit of measures
Odoo supports multiple unit of measures and converts automatically for you: buy per tons and sell in kg.

Effective product management

Support software to suggest the most optimal pricing plan
Valuation of inventory
Inventory management software makes it easy to choose the right inventory pricing method for you.
Phương thức định giá
Odoo WMS supports FIFO, Average Cost (AVCO) and Standard Price for product costing methods.
Landed Costs
Reincorporate landed costs into your product cost to get an accurate valuation of your inventory.

Provide clear, complete reporting
Warehouse management software provides clear, complete reports, always grasping the situation in real time.
Use predefined dashboards or build your own with the advanced reporting engine. Share filters with the team.
Inventory Forecast
Get forecasts of product availabilities based on confirmed sales orders, purchase orders or manufacturing orders as well as internal moves.
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